Coach Mike Kavka began taking the members of the South Plainfield High School Golf Team to Myrtle Beach South Carolina as a spring training exercise. This
event has evolved into an annual spring training trip that prepares the team for their upcoming golf season, and provides an opportunity for personal growth for every member of the team.
THE MISSION - The SPGA's mission is to continue in the tradition of Coach Kavka and support the activities of the
SPHS Golf Team.
FUND RAISING - In order to fund these activities - especially the annual spring training
You can help ThE TIGERS Golf Program with a CORPORATE SPONSORSHIP and
help make their annual spring training trippossible.
trip - the SPGA organizes (as its primary fund raising event) the annual South Plainfield Open golf tournament
which is hosted by the Golf Team each August. The success of this event generates the opportunity to bring every member of the golf team on the annual spring training trip.
In addition, to provide our students some help to continue their success, an annual SPGA Scholarship Program was instituted. This program
provides scholoarship awards to graduating SPHS Golf Team players to help them achieve their academic goals.
Please consider becoming part of the
SPGA support team. The key to the success of the SPGA programs is the outstanding generosity of our CORPORATE SPONSORS.